[Bolincentret-at-su.se] postdoc position in paleoclimate

Karin Holmgren karin.holmgren at natgeo.su.se
Wed Oct 22 14:48:56 CEST 2014


please see below an announcement for a postdoc position  in "paleoecology" in Chile.
Feel free to distribute,

many thanks,


The recently funded Millennium Nucleus in “Paleoclimate of the Southern Hemisphere” invites applications for a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in paleoclimate and paleoenvironments. The main goal of this 3-year grant is to understand the evolution of the coupled atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and biosphere during and since the Last Glacial Maximum. More specifically our study areas include western Patagonia and the adjacent Pacific Ocean. We are an interdisciplinary research group that covers the disciplines of atmospheric sciences, Earth System modeling, paleoceanography, paleoecology and glacial geology.

Successful candidates must have a PhD and research experience in one or more of the following fields: Quaternary paleoclimate, sedimentology, glacial stratigraphy and geomorphology, isotope geochemistry, paleoecology. Field work experience in remote and desolate regions is highly desirable, as well as willingness and ability to conduct independent research while being a team player.  You will join an active research group that addresses the study of paleoclimate combining empirical and modelling approaches, with ample opportunities for fieldwork in Patagonia. 

Salary is assigned according to CONICYT standards, equivalent to ca. 32,000 USD per year, which corresponds roughly to 2.5 times the Chilean per capita average income.

Interested applicants should send their CV and a brief research proposal (up to 2 pages) not later than November 15th 2014 to Dr. Patricio Moreno (pimoreno at uchile.cl) or Maisa Rojas (maisa at dgf.uchile.cl). The decision will be communicated as soon as a candidate has been chosen. The selected candidate is expected to start during January 2015. For more information don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Rojas or Dr. Moreno.



Dra. Maisa Rojas Corradi
Profesora Asociada
Departamento de Geofisica 
Universidad de Chile
Blanco Encalada 2002, 4to piso
Tel: 56-2-2978 43 12
Fax: 56-2-2696 87 90

Núcleo Milenio PaleoClima

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