[Bolincentret-at-su.se] PhD Course Proposal Writing and Presentation techniques

Björn Gunnarson bjorn.gunnarson at natgeo.su.se
Mon Nov 9 15:55:55 CET 2015

Dear PhD´s and supervisors,

Upcoming course "Proposal Writing and Presentation techniques" starting 23 November.

Please apply directly Ewa Lind ewa.lind at natgeo.su.se<mailto:ewa.lind at natgeo.su.se>  or to me bjorn.gunnarson at natgeo.su.se

Best regards

Dr. Björn Gunnarson
Director of studies
Bert Bolin Centre for Climate Research
Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm
+46 8 164772
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