[Drand] Invitation for a "lasergame" party (from the PhD students of the astronomy department)

Florent Duval fduva at astro.su.se
Mon Sep 24 17:27:25 CEST 2012

    Hi PhD students,

    I am Florent Duval, PhD student at the astronomy department. I and 
all other PhD students of the astronomy department would like to invite 
you for a big "Lasergame party" that we plan to organize in october or 
november ;-) !!! I am just writing you this email to know if you would 
like to join us.

    For some of you who do not know what is a lasergame party, just a 
short recall : a Lasergame party is like a "paintball" party but without 
any "ball" ... we are just divided in 2 teams and we just play with a 
"laser gun" in a special room. It is very very funny, we laugh a lot, 
and do not worry, it is not dangerous at all !! If you want more 
informations, I give you here the internet adress of the best place to 
play lasergame in Stockholm (where we will play) : 

    For this party, we plan to book 3 parties of 20 minutes for 30 
people !! (we would be able to do : "astronomy department" against 
"physics department" ;-) ).

    If you want to join us, you have just to answer the doole before the 
7th of october : http://doodle.com/d74bd9kqhgurg7xk (but do not wait, it 
is only for 30 people and the Lasergame parties seem to be very popular 
at the astronomy department !) . You can also invite some friends if you 
want ! No problem.

    After that, we will be able to dine somewhere in Stockholm if you 
want ... .

   Cheers :-) !

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