[Drand] Information about registering for courses during your PhD [MA]

Fysikums studievägledning studievagledare at fysik.su.se
Fri Sep 7 11:50:38 CEST 2018

Dear PhD students,

This is just a reminder to those of you who are taking courses
this semester.

- for pure PhD-level courses (e.g., the Colloquia in physics),
please contact Per-Erik or Sten.

- for any other course, the procedure depends on if you are
exempt from tuition fees (generally EU citizens or permanent
residents) or not:

If you are exempt from tuition fees, apply for the course on
universityadmissions.se. The courses close for application after
the first week (so if you just started a course and didn't apply,
do so now!).

If you would be required to pay tuition fees, fill out a form at
the student office. We will then admit you to the course
manually. This can take quite some time, so please sign up as
soon as possible (and preferably before the course starts).

Should you have any questions or run into any problems, feel
free to contact me or Gorica.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Best regards,

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