[Drand] Course on "Explaining your research"

Emma Wikberg emma at fysik.su.se
Thu Feb 21 08:39:08 CET 2019

Dear PhD students and staff,

Södertörns högskola offers two teachers or graduate students from SU to take part in their course "Att förklara forskning". I have no personal experience of this course, but according to the description it's about how to communicate one's research effectively -- to students, to the public, to journalists, to other researchers, at conferences, or when writing grant proposals. Presumably, the course is in Swedish. 

Normally you would have to pay for this, but since they need to fill the last seats they now offer it for free. It starts on March 20 and details are to be found here:


If you are interested, please get back to me by e-mail as soon as possible and I'll forward your request.

Best regards /Emma

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