[Drand] VB: What happens next: Career seminar for PhD students about Plan S

Kajsa Blomdahl kajsamy.blomdahl at fysik.su.se
Wed Apr 17 14:16:26 CEST 2019

Från: Pil Maria Saugmann <cdr at sus.su.se>
Skickat: den 10 april 2019 23:01
Till: Kajsa Blomdahl
Ämne: What happens next: Career seminar for PhD students about Plan S

[http://su.powerinit.com/Data/Event/EventTemplates/2602/EmailImages/Logo_en.gif]        What happens next - career seminars for PhD students
Plan S and the publishing industry


The central PhD council (CDR) at Stockholm University is organizing a career seminar series for PhD students, What happens next?.

The aim of the seminars is to ease the transition from being a PhD student into your next job, whether that will be in academia or outside academia. The seminars will all be held in English.

The next seminar is on the 23rd of April and is titled Plan S and the academic publishing industry.

The speakers will be

Erik Lindahl who will talk about Plan S from the persepctive of a researcher and how Plan S will affect young researchers.

Sofie Wennström who will talk about Plan S from the persepective of the university library as well as how the academic publishing world works

To read more about the central PhD council, future seminars and other events for PhD students

https://centraladoktorandradet.wordpress.com/what-happens-next-career-seminars What happens next? – Centrala Doktorandrådetcentraladoktorandradet.wordpress.com

What happens next? is a career seminar series by PhD students for PhD students from all faculties, arranged by CDR in cooperation with SUS (Stockholm university student union).

Also, if you have any ideas for future seminars or if you are interested in helping with a seminar feel free to contact us at cdr at sus.su.se, we are at the moment planning the seminars in the fall.

Pil Maria Saugmann (PhD student, Theoretical Physics)

Chair of CDR
Department of Physics
Stockholm University
Fysikum106 91 Stockholm


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