[Drand] Urgent: Invitation to Colloquia in Physics course

Bo Sundborg bo at fysik.su.se
Mon Oct 7 11:14:58 CEST 2019

Dear PhD students,

This message is primarily directed to new PhD students, admitted to the subjects Physics or Theoretical Physics. (This includes some, but not all, new PhD students in Chemical Physics).

The course Colloquia in Physics<https://www.fysik.su.se/english/education/courses-programmes/course-information/doctoral-courses?kurs=FK40001> is intended to give a broad acquaintance with current research in Physics and Theoretical Physics beyond your specialised PhD topic. It is mandatory in the above PhD topics, and hopefully also personally rewarding.

This autumn, the first of the AlbaNova colloquia<https://agenda.albanova.se/categoryDisplay.py?categId=301> included in the course will be by Sara Strandberg on October 17<https://agenda.albanova.se/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=6775>, and Jörgen Sjölin will guide this module of the course, and send out invitations to meetings for it.

To explain the workings of the course, and practically important routines, all new students are invited to an

Intro meeting THIS week: please fill in this doodle<https://doodle.com/poll/ntiphhrtbmssa676> TODAY to determine the date and time.



PS. PhD students who have already started the course, but have missed an intro meeting, are also welcome to the doodle and the meeting!

PPS. New PhD students should have received an invitation to a mondo.su.se course web page. If not, let me know! (The Mondo page will soon be replaced by a more modern Athena page, but I have not been guaranteed that all functions are available in Athena yet.)

Bo Sundborg
Cosmology, Particle astrophysics and Strings
Department of Physics and the Oskar Klein Centre
Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: + 46 (0)8 5537 8735
E-mail: bo at fysik.su.se

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