[Drand] Fwd: SV: Efterlyses - doktorander som vill ingå i bedömargrupp för utvärdering av forskarutbildning i fysik, UU

Per-Erik Tegnér tegner at fysik.su.se
Fri Jan 24 13:13:41 CET 2020

Hi all,

Uppsala university is looking for PhD students who can take part in the 
evaluation of their PhD education,

see below. English below.

Best regards


*Från:*Susanne Paul <susanne.paul at uadm.uu.se>
*Skickat:* den 20 januari 2020 13:37
*Till:* Carl-Johan Högberg <carl-johan.hogberg at su.se>; Per-Erik Tegnér 
<tegner at fysik.su.se>
*Ämne:* Efterlyses - doktorander som vill ingå i bedömargrupp för 
utvärdering av forskarutbildning i fysik, UU

Hej Carl-Johan och Per-Erik,

Jag skriver till er för att be om ert stöd att nå ut till doktorander i 
fysik vid SU, som kan vara intresserade av att ingå i bedömargrupp för 
utbildningsutvärderingar på forskarnivå vid Uppsala universitet. Det är 
det lokala doktorandrådet vid UU som utser doktorander i bedömargruppen, 
önskar stöd i utlysningen av denna möjlighet att få inblick i 
forskarutbildning vid annat lärosäte och tillföra doktorandperspektivet 
i bedömargruppens arbete och slutligen utlåtande.

Tacksam för spridning av doktorandrådets utlysningstext nedan. Sista 
ansökningsdag den 31 januari 2020.

Med vänlig hälsning,

Susanne Paul

*Susanne Paul*
Utbildningsledare | Enheten för handläggning, utbildning och 

Uppsala universitet | Kansliet för teknik och naturvetenskap
Box 256, 751 05 Uppsala*|* Besöksadress: Dag Hammarskjölds väg 7*
*Tel: 018-471 6935 | Mobil: 072-999 91 31 *
*susanne.paul at uadm.uu.se <mailto:susanne.paul at uadm.uu.se>__

www.teknat.uu.se <http://www.teknat.uu.se/> *
*www.uu.se <http://www.uu.se/>


Dear PhD students in Physics at Stockholm University,

We, Georgii and Gwenna, are doctoral students from the faculty of 
Science and Technology (TekNat) at Uppsala University. We represent PhD 
students on the Graduate Education Board of the faculty.

The faculty is evaluating the doctoral education in the different 
sections and we are in charge of finding PhD students from other 
universities to join external evaluation committees.

Right now we are looking for a PhD students for the evaluation 
committees in the the sections of Physics (one student, the department 
has started writing the self-evaluation in January 2020)

If you would like to take part in this evaluation committees, please use 
the form below to send us your contact details, a short motivation 
letter and a short CV until 31 January 2020.


Make sure to you mention relevant experiences (see list below) and that 
the evaluation time line works for you (see below). TekNat doctoral 
board (TNDR) will elect representatives for each of the three sections, 
candidates will be notified shortly after.

PhD student members of the evaluation committees will be compensated 
with 7000 SEK and all costs for the on-site visit (travel, 
accommodation, meals) will be covered by Uppsala University. The 
expected workload is about 1 week full time.

Members of the evaluation committees are expected to:

  * have expertise within the field to be evaluated,
  * have dealt with questions regarding quality in education (preferably
    PhD education/graduate level),
  * have experience about the organisation of Swedish institutions for
    higher education (e.g. from participation in boards or committees on
    different levels at a university or college within Sweden or related

It is an advantage to be able to read Swedish texts, although the 
discussions and most of the texts are expected to be in English. It is 
also an advantage to have worked with questions regarding equal 
opportunities. We are aiming for diverse evaluation committees and 
welcome applications from all sections of the community and from people 
of all backgrounds.

Information about the evaluation time line:

The evaluation process is planned to take 12 months for each section. 
The external evaluation committee is expected to have the main workload 
throughout months 4 to 10 of the evaluation process (reading 
self-evaluation report of the section, on-site visit with interviews, 
writing external evaluation report).

More detailed information can be found in the attached document 
(instructions for external committees) and in the following documents 
(English and Swedish): https://regler.uu.se/document/?contentId=706678 
and https://regler.uu.se/document/?contentId=763088

Please contact georgii.shamuilov at physics.uu.se 
<mailto:georgii.shamuilov at physics.uu.se> and gwenna.breton at ebc.uu.se 
<mailto:gwenna.breton at ebc.uu.se> if you have any questions.

Best regards,

Gwenna and Georgii

TekNat (Uppsala University) Graduate Education Board representatives

När du har kontakt med oss på Uppsala universitet med e-post så innebär 
det att vi behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur vi 
gör det kan du läsa här: http://www.uu.se/om-uu/dataskydd-personuppgifter/

E-mailing Uppsala University means that we will process your personal 
data. For more information on how this is performed, please read here: 

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