[Drand] Teaching assistant 2020/21

Fredrik Hellberg hellberg at fysik.su.se
Wed Apr 15 17:40:05 CEST 2020


Thanks to all of you who have contributed to teaching and other 
administrative work this past academic year.

It is time for me to start planning for the next academic year. If you 
are interested in teaching next year please fill in the form in the link 
below before next Wednesday April 22. Both if you have had assignments 
this year or if you want it for the first time.


If you had assignments this year and do not want to teach next year 
please let me know with a reply to this email.

With short notice we will give pre-univerity courses (naturvetenskapligt 
basår) in the fall. The courses will be distance learning but with some 
labs at Albanova if possible. If you are interested to take part in the 
development of these courses make a note in the form.

Best regards,


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