[Drand] Work-related illness - occupational healthcare through Feelgood & Avonova

Emily Freeland emily at astro.su.se
Thu Apr 22 14:16:51 CEST 2021

Hi all, if you feel bad (mentally or physically) and think that it is (even
a little bit) related to work then you can anonymously access occupational
healthcare through private providers.

*Stockholm University: *“As an employee at the University you can contact
Feelgood for counseling and telephone advice on work-related illnesses. The
agreement does not include general medical care, but since it is often
difficult to determine whether or not an illness is work-related, you
should always call and consult a nurse. You can always get an appointment
with a doctor for evaluation.”

You can have three appointments per year without anyone at SU knowing about
them. If you want further care then they will ask the head of your
department for approval and SU's HR pays for them.



Bachelor and Masters students should contact Stockholm Student Health

*KTH: *“There must be a connection between an individual’s health problems,
their work capacity and work requirements for them to be described as work
related. Health problems must be caused by, made worse by or have a
connection with work to fall into this category.” Their agreement is with


KTH bachelor and masters students also have care from Stockholm Student
Health Services

Take care of yourselves and (if you can) someone else as well,

*Community & Communication Manager*
Oskar Klein Centre <http://www.okc.albanova.se>
*Career Development Coach for PhDs*
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