[Drand] Reminder! Teaching assistant 2021/22

Jonatan Öström jonatan.ostrom at fysik.su.se
Fri Apr 30 08:07:31 CEST 2021

Hejsan, jag har ju fått förlängning på mitt kontrakt. Men jag tror inte att jag varken behöver eller vill undervisa detta år. Simuleringsmetoderna är jag intresserad av, men jag är inte ens säker på att jag är anställd efter jul.

Så du kan nog stryka mig från undervisningen.



From: Drand-at-fysik.su.se <drand-at-fysik.su.se-bounces at lists.su.se> on behalf of Fredrik Hellberg <fredrik.hellberg at fysik.su.se>
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2021 5:01:38 PM
To: drand at fysik.su.se
Subject: [Drand] Reminder! Teaching assistant 2021/22


Here is a reminder to fill in the application for next year. If you have teaching this year and will not continue next year, please reply so I know that, thanks.



Den 2021-04-15 kl. 09:58, skrev Fredrik Hellberg:


We have now entered the last part of the spring semester of a very special year with a lot of distance teaching and other restrictions. I want to thank all of you who have worked as teaching assistant during the year. What I have heard and seen you have done a great job and I hope you want to continue next year as well. Since some of you are finishing I hope that we have have some new PhD students who are interested.

All assignments for the next academic year are decided before the end of June. Therefore I want all of you who are interested to work as teaching assistant next academic year to fill in the application form below.


I usually try to give everyone at least one assignments, but unfortunately it is not always possible. Anyhow I will meet everyone who fills in the form for a short meeting in May or beginning of June to discuss possibilities. Please fill in the form before April 30.

Best regards,


Fredrik Hellberg
Bitr. studierektor

Stockholms universitet
106 91 Stockholm
Roslagstullsbacken 21
Tel: 08-5537 8133
Mobil: 072-147 34 62
E-post: fredrik.hellberg at fysik.su.se<mailto:fredrik.hellberg at fysik.su.se>

Fredrik Hellberg
Bitr. studierektor

Stockholms universitet
106 91 Stockholm
Roslagstullsbacken 21
Tel: 08-5537 8133
Mobil: 072-147 34 62
E-post: fredrik.hellberg at fysik.su.se<mailto:fredrik.hellberg at fysik.su.se>
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