[Drand] Fwd: [Science Faculty Representative] Email you can send to doctoral students at your university about the new Aliens Act on behalf of SFS-DK

Jorge Laraña Aragon jorge.laranaaragon at fysik.su.se
Mon Sep 20 11:39:21 CEST 2021

Begin forwarded message:

From: nfr.sus <nfr at sus.su.se<mailto:nfr at sus.su.se>>
Subject: [Science Faculty Representative] VB: Email you can send to doctoral students at your university about the new Aliens Act on behalf of SFS-DK
Date: 20 September 2021 at 11:27:49 CEST
To: "nfr at science.su.se<mailto:nfr at science.su.se>" <nfr at science.su.se<mailto:nfr at science.su.se>>, "representant at science.su.se<mailto:representant at science.su.se>" <representant at science.su.se<mailto:representant at science.su.se>>

Dear NFR representatives,

See below information about the new Aliens Act and please spread the information to your PhD councils.

Med vänliga hälsningar / Sincerely
The student and PhD student council at the faculty of Science
nfr at sus.su.se<mailto:v.ordforande at sus.su.se>

Stockholms universitets studentkår /
Stockholm University Student Union
Besöksadress / Visiting address: Studenthuset, Campus Frescati
Universitetsvägen 2a, 114 18 Stockholm


Från: cdr.sus
Skickat: den 17 september 2021 11:33
Till: Ali Mohamed; Amanda Almstedt Valldor; Anton Bernhardt Hjelm; Filippo Schiavo; Hari Nair; Jenny Wirén; Kate O'Farrell; Maryann Su Lin Tan; Ole Johnny Fossås; Sebastian Sirén; Daniel.Pinheiro-Astone at juridicum.su.se<mailto:Daniel.Pinheiro-Astone at juridicum.su.se>; arvin.tayari at juridicum.su.se<mailto:arvin.tayari at juridicum.su.se>
Kopia: nfr.sus; hfr.sus; Juridicum; Samvetenskapliga Fakultät
Ämne: Fw: Email you can send to doctoral students at your university about the new Aliens Act on behalf of SFS-DK


Here comes an important information about the new Aliens Act and the affect that it has on granting permanent residency. Please share it among your PhD councils and spread the information. You are welcome to sign the petition.
CDR is active in the discussion and joins the SFS-DK and SULF in their meetings.

Best regards
Pascal Meier

Chair of CDR
Centrala Doktorandsrådet
Stockholm University


Dear fellow doctoral students,

The new Aliens Act has made a change in the process for granting permanent residency, which gravely affects all non-EU/EEA doctoral students and other early career researchers in Sweden.

Before July 20th, 2021, doctoral students were granted permanent residency after 4 years of doctoral studies without having to prove that they have a permanent contract or long fixed-term contract as a prof of their ability to support themselves financially. Since July 20, 2021, the requirements of applying for permanent residence permit in doctoral studies track have undergone a big and unfair change. Based on the newly introduced changes the majority of non-EU/EEA doctoral students are practically no longer eligible for applying for permanent residency at the end of 4 years of doctoral studies, meaning that it will effectively be postponed to an unknown time in the future. This mainly due to the following new requirement: The applicant has to have a permanent or fixed-term employment lasting at least 18 months. This is not compatible with nature of employment of doctoral students and other early career researchers that usually have short-term contracts.

As an individual, what can you do?

  1.  Go and sign the following petition<https://www.skrivunder.com/signatures.php?tunnus=change_the_legal_grounds_of_permanent_residency_for_doctoral_students_and_other_researchers_in_sweden&page_number=210&num_rows=10&u=7583043>  that SULF, ST and SFS-DK is behind.
  2.  Read, share (and print) material about the situation, and share it with other researchers in your department.
  3.  Printed and distributed the attached  poster with QR code to the petition to bring awareness to this issue.
  4.  Spread the word and share the petition to raise awareness about this issue, show solidarity and gather support in order to insure more equal and fair treatment for international doctoral students and other early career researchers in Sweden.

If you wish to know more about the issue

  1.  If you wish to stay updated, join SFS-DK's Facebook group "Doktorand i Sverige<https://www.facebook.com/groups/doktorandisverige>,"  follow SULF-DCA face book page: https://www.facebook.com/SULFDCA and/or join the grassroot campaign’ Facebook group here<https://www.facebook.com/groups/514099416333952>
  2.  If you wish to read more about the topic, you can find a list of articles and blog posts here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1406qabBYkHEQmCzv87brZEvgY5H1jmvfuJ8oWFLiRPU/edit?usp=sharing>. The list will be updated regularly.

If you are affected by the change of law and wish to know more about your situation

  1.  SULF has a good FAQ that is being updated regularly. Check it out here.
  2.  SULF  also organized an informative lunch seminar last Friday, you can find the recording here lunch webinar<https://www.facebook.com/121715144568037/posts/6009917652414394/>.
  3.  Finally, if you are still left with questions, we recommend that you reach out to your trade union and potentially also your doktorand ombud.

What is SFS and SFS-DK doing on the matter?
SFS and SFS-DK ar participating in a collaboration with the ST,  SULF and SULF's doctoral candidate assoication (SULF-DCA). Within this collaboration we work on bring awareness to this issue through news articles, the petition and similar. Through this collaboration we also raise the issue in a number of different contexts, in boards and councils where we have representatives, towards other organizations and of course also to the migration agency and politicians. It is however likely that a solution will take some time.

[http://sfs.se/diverse/sfs_logotyp_liten.png]   Pil Maria Saugmann
Ordförande for doktorandkomittén / Chairperson for the doctoral student committee
Sveriges förenade studentkårer / Swedish National Union of Students

e: pilmaria.saugmann at sfs.se<mailto:pilmaria.saugmann at sfs.se>
Åsögatan 140, Stockholm

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representant-at-science.su.se at lists.su.se<mailto:representant-at-science.su.se at lists.su.se>

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