[Drand] Seminar about travel habits

Fredrik Hellberg fredrik.hellberg at fysik.su.se
Thu Sep 30 13:23:18 CEST 2021


In November Fysikum will arrange a seminar to discuss travel habits to 
reduce our carbon dioxid footprint. We are looking for a PhD student 
that wants to talk about his or her experience when travelled by train 
instead of flying to a city in Europe. It will be a 15 minutes 
contribution to the seminar. Please let me know if you are interested. 
Preliminary date and time is November 16 at 13:30.  Anyway, If you  have 
travelled by train in you work, please send me an email and I can use it 
as an examle. Thanks!



Fredrik Hellberg
Bitr. studierektor

Stockholms universitet
106 91 Stockholm
Roslagstullsbacken 21
Tel: 08-5537 8133
Mobil: 072-147 34 62
E-post: fredrik.hellberg at fysik.su.se

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