[Drand] Last announcement: What Happens After the PhD? - online course for PhD students and postdocs

Michael Odelius odelius at fysik.su.se
Thu Sep 22 10:49:48 CEST 2022


Please notice the information below

Best regards

Michael Odelius

 From Emily Freeland <emily.e.freeland at gmail.com>

Hi all, this course will begin on Tuesday 4 October @ 13.15, online. All 
are welcome.
The syllabus is included below and, so you know, I've added a Project 
Management component to the course which was not present the first time 
it was given. You must join our Slack workspace if you intend to 
participate in the course 

What previous students have said about this course:

  * /I would suggest SU to make this course compulsory for every
    student. Emily has lots of personal experiences with former students
    which she likes to share./
  * /The best thing about the course was how much knowledge Emily has
    about the job market and tips for interviews and CV/skills etc!
    She’s amazing at being a career coach and I think every PhD
    student/postdoc would benefit from taking this course! It’s so
    important to know these things and I like that she gives us the
    “hard truths”. It’s tough out there but she gave me some hope for
    the future! She has been so helpful./
  * /I really liked the focus on practical tips and preparations. Really
    nice that the homework was also things that you need to do anyway./
  * /I also appreciated the frankness of the discussion and advice, and
    the depth and detail of the information we received./
  * /Interactive and full of useful information./

*What happens after the PhD?*

(1.5hp or follow without credits)

Educator: Dr. Emily Freeland

Best way to contact me: via DM on the Slack workspace or emily at astro.su.se

Office hours & career coaching: by appointment 

The course will meet 5 times, online via zoom 
<https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/61411331880> on Tuesday 
afternoons from October 4 – November 1 at 13.15 – 15.15. The course will 
be interactive and not boring. I will reserve the last 5 minutes of the 
class for general questions and there will be a short break in the middle.

All course communication will be through the SU PhD students & Postdocs 
Slack workspace <http://suphdstudentspostdocs.slack.com/> (join the 
workspace with this link 
If you do not plan to check Slack regularly then make sure you have 
notifications adjusted so that you are aware of what I (and your 
classmates) post there.

/If you are taking the course for credit: you must attend (or watch 
asynchronously) all of the lectures and turn in all of the homework in 
order to pass./


*Learning Goals*
Students will:

-Outline the process for a job search (both non-academic and academic) 
and a plan for theirs

-Produce (some of) the documents necessary for an application

-Examine their complex feelings, in order to not be limited by identity 
and the sunk cost fallacy, when determining the type of work that best 
fits their current circumstances

-Know where to look for support, resources, and information about jobs

-Discuss their project management strategy and tools

*October 4 – The Job Market for PhDs
*PhDs work everywhere, why PhDs are considered risky candidates, 
academic identity and loss, modern workplaces, open systems approach to 
career planning, acknowledging your stereotypes about other types of 
work, statistics on how long it takes PhDs to find work and salaries, 
difference between job search strategies and timescales inside and 
outside of academia

*October 11 – Project Management, Networking
*Projects vs Tasks, how other organizations manage and organize their 
work, Agile vs Waterfall methods, project management planning tools, 
Planning fallacy and optimism bias, project management traps.

What networking is and is not, understand the purpose of small talk and 
how to prepare for it, make a networking plan for a professional 
conference or event, create and practice introducing yourself for both 
professional and social contexts, map your network, mobility in academia

*October 18 – LinkedIn**: a job research and networking tool
*What is LinkedIn, how to use it to keep track of your professional 
network, use it as your professional homepage (especially when moving 
from postdoc to postdoc), how to search for jobs, how to make a 
connection request, template for contacting someone for an informational 
interview, how recruiters work and why they use LinkedIn to search for 
candidates, advertising your science via LinkedIn

*October 25 – CVs & **other documents: academic vs**. non-academic
*CV purpose, format, and length, emphasis on prestige & content 
knowledge (academic) vs skills (non-academic), need to tailor CV for 
each non-academic position, what to include in a cover letter, common 
mistakes, transferrable skills, internships, other possible materials 
for an academic search (research statement, research plan, teaching 
statement, publication list, reference letters, personal letter, 
statement of contributions to diversity, equity, & inclusion, sample 
course syllabus, potential research projects for students)

*November 1 – **Interviews** & Entrepreneurship**
*Two types of interviews, STAR method for answering questions, what to 
do when they ask you to make a salary request during the interview, 
questions that you should always ask during interviews, how to start 
your own business
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