[Drand] Introduction to doctoral studies at the Department of Physics (FK40005)

Sergey Koroidov sergey.koroidov at fysik.su.se
Thu Oct 6 13:53:19 CEST 2022

Dear Ph.D. students

Here s the reminder Those of you who recently joined the Ph.D. program in Physics should take the course:  Introduction to doctoral studies at the Department of Physics (FK40005). The course starts on October 17th. Please ensure that you are registered for the course and in Athena. If not, contact Gorica at gorica.nikolic at fysik.su.se <mailto:gorica.nikolic at fysik.su.se>.   


> Let me know if you have any questions. 

> On 16 Sep 2022, at 10:27, Sergey Koroidov <sergey.koroidov at fysik.su.se> wrote:
> Dear Ph.D. students,
> Those of you who recently joined the Ph.D. program in Physics should take the course:  Introduction to doctoral studies at the Department of Physics (FK40005). The course starts on October 17th. Please ensure that you are registered for the course and in Athena. If not, contact Gorica at gorica.nikolic at fysik.su.se <mailto:gorica.nikolic at fysik.su.se>   
> Let me know if you have any questions. 
> Cheers,
> Sergey 

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