[Drand] ScientiFika 09/02 – Joakim Flinckman 'An alternative history of the discovery of gravity: insights from an alien race'

Nadia Flodgren nadia.flodgren at fysik.su.se
Mon Feb 5 18:05:23 CET 2024

Dear Juniors,

It is my pleasure to announce this week's ScientiFika. Join us on Friday the 9th of February at 16:00 for delicious Swedish pastries and an interesting talk by Joakim Flinckman, a theoretical physics researcher.

Do you want to present your research or any scientific topic of interest? We're still looking for speakers for the coming months! Sign up here: https://forms.gle/wM6k22asgLjRrXhX7

Joakim Flinckman

An alternative history of the discovery of gravity: insights from an alien race

We will go on an imaginative exploration of an advanced alien race emerging from a subsurface ocean, who suddenly discover a new force, the force of gravity. With their superior understanding of nuclear and particle physics, they put their most brilliant scientists to work. Their experiments lead them to a set of fundamental properties characterizing the new force and an initial understanding akin to Newtonian gravity. We will follow several groups of alien scientists on their journey to describe the new phenomenon in terms of the theoretical framework familiar to them, culminating in the prediction of a new particle, the graviton, as the mediator of this force. This journey not only guides them to Einstein's theory of general relativity but also nudges them beyond. Propelled by emerging theoretical hints, they start exploring theories with multiple different gravitons.

Place: NORDITA Floor 6 - Fika area (in-person only).
Address: AlbaNova University Center, Hannes Alfvéns väg 12

We're looking forward to seeing you!
Nadia, Guilherme and Nikki
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