[Okc-wp4] OKC -EO seminar this week

Smaranika Banerjee smaranika.banerjee at astro.su.se
Thu Apr 11 10:50:46 CEST 2024

Dear all,

A gentle Reminder of the talk today at 1315! Let us know if anyone wants zoom.

Kind regards,
Smaranika  (on behalf of the organizers)

Dr. Smaranika Banerjee
Astronomy Department, Stockholm University
Email: smaranika.banerjee at astro.su.se<mailto:smaranika.banerjee at astro.su.se>
Old email: smaranikab at astr.tohoku.ac.jp<mailto:smaranikab at astr.tohoku.ac.jp>
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/smaranikabanerjee/welcome?authuser=0
Zoom: https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/3760189321

From: Okc-wp4-at-fysik.su.se <okc-wp4-at-fysik.su.se-bounces at lists.su.se> on behalf of Smaranika Banerjee via Okc-wp4-at-fysik.su.se <okc-wp4-at-fysik.su.se at lists.su.se>
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 11:10:42 AM
To: Okc-wp4 at fysik.su.se
Cc: Anjasha Gangopadhyay
Subject: [Okc-wp4] OKC -EO seminar this week

Dear all,

This is Smaranika on behalf of extreme object group meeting organisers.

We will have our OKC -EO seminar this week.
When and where: Thursday 11th April, 13:15 in A5:1003
Speaker: Anjasha Gangopadhyay, a new postdoc in Jesper’s group, welcome!

Title: Investigating a group of supernovae with diminishing hydrogen envelope

In this talk, I will derive a continuity in the outer layers of Hydrogen/Helium in a group of stripped envelope supernovae (SNe) which loose their outer envelope and a group of interacting SNe which gain their outer envelope through interaction with a nearby circumstellar medium (CSM). Through our long term observing campaigns, we have studied few representative members of these subclasses indicating that the members are not really distinct but are linked by a continuum of outer envelope. We used the probe of light curve modelling to estimate the physical parameters associated with the explosions like the Ni-mass, ejecta mass and energies of the explosions of these SNe while spectral modelling helped to constrain the spectral parameters like elemental abundances and velocities. For the interacting SNe, modelling also helped us to infer the CSM mass, radius and geometry. Along with probing the progenitor scenarios and mass-loss history of these events which are highly debated, we have now investigated some new objects which highlight the fact that these members are not really distinct and are divided based on the outer continuum layer. Currently, big telescopes with larger diameters will help to see whether stripped envelope supernovae can become interacting on a longer time scale. Also, a more robust search will help to find such transitioning members and thereby probing their progenitor systems.

Thank you very much. Hope to see many of you there.

Kind regards,
Smaranika (on behalf of the organizers)

Dr. Smaranika Banerjee
Astronomy Department, Stockholm University
Email: smaranika.banerjee at astro.su.se<mailto:smaranika.banerjee at astro.su.se>
Old email: smaranikab at astr.tohoku.ac.jp<mailto:smaranikab at astr.tohoku.ac.jp>
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/smaranikabanerjee/welcome?authuser=0
Zoom: https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/3760189321

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