[Astronomy seminar] Astronomy seminar Friday 26/01 @ 10:30 in FC 61

Astronomy seminar announcements seminars-announce.astro-at-su.se at lists.su.se
Tue Jan 23 09:24:05 CET 2018

Dear all,
this week astro seminar will be given by prof. and ApJ ed. Giovanni Carraro from Padua University.
The seminar will take place the 26th of January at 10:30 in FC 61 (6th floor).
Title and abstract are attached.

Kind regards,
Jorrit and Angela

TITLE: Final products of stellar evolution in high metallicity environments and the UV upturn in Elliptical Galaxies

ABSTRACT: I will review the properties of the old, metal rich, massive open cluster NGC 6791. 
First of all I will show how its properties help us to better understand the origin of the UV upturn in the spectral energy distribution of massive local volume ellipticals.
Second, I will discuss the possible origin of this unique object in the framework of the Milky Way chemical and dynamical evolution.

Angela Adamo  

Department of Astronomy
Stockholm University and Oskar Klein Centre
SE-10691 Stockholm - Sweden
tel: +46 (0)8 5537 8556 
email: angela.adamo at astro.su.se

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