[Astronomy seminar] REMINDER: Astronomy seminar today 02/02 @ 10:30 in FC 61

Astronomy seminar announcements seminars-announce.astro-at-su.se at lists.su.se
Fri Feb 2 08:18:52 CET 2018

Dear all,

This week's astronomy seminar will be given by dr. Lucia Kleint from the Kiepenheuer Institute for Solar Physics, Germany
The seminar will take place today, Feb 2 at 10:30 in FC 61 (6th floor).
Title and abstract are attached.

With kind regards,
Jorrit and Angela

TITLE: The Dynamics and Magnetism of Solar Flares

ABSTRACT: Solar flares are the most energetic events on the Sun, releasing energy equivalent to billions of atomic bombs within minutes. Yet the relatively basic question “how is flare energy dissipated?” is still open. It is suspected that a large fraction of the energy of the accelerated particles is converted into continuum and line emission, heating, kinetic energy (mass motion), and changes of the magnetic field structure. I will show recent results obtained from high-resolution flare observations, focusing on the progress in understanding the physics of the solar atmosphere during flares. 

Jorrit Leenaarts - Institutet för solfysik - Stockholms Universitet - phone: +46 85537 8550

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