[Astronomy seminar] Next Astro seminar Friday 4th of May at 10:30 in FC61

Astronomy seminar announcements seminars-announce.astro-at-su.se at lists.su.se
Wed May 2 10:04:53 CEST 2018

Dear all,
welcome to our weekly appointment.
The speaker of this week is Dr. Sara Bladh, from the University of Uppsala.
Sara is an expert in modelling radiation-driven winds in late type stars.

Title: The evolution of DARWIN - the current status of wind models for AGB stars

Abstract: Asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars are luminous, cool giants with substantial mass loss. Dust formed in the stellar atmospheres plays a key role for the mass-loss mechanism: radial pulsations of the surface layers of the stars levitate material to distances where dust can form, which then is accelerated outward by radiation pressure. AGB stars are significant dust donors in the universe, feeding newly produced elements into the surrounding interstellar medium in the form of gas and dust through these stellar winds.

To model these dense outflows we use the DARWIN (Dynamic Atmosphere and Radiation-driven Wind models based on Implicit Numerics) code. The mass-loss process is modelled from first principles, with frequency-dependent radiation-hydrodynamics, and dust growth and evaporation. The DARWIN models have successfully been able produce outflows with dynamical and photometric properties compatible with observations, for both C-type and M-type AGB stars (e.g. Eriksson et al. 2014, Bladh et al. 2015). In this talk I will present the recent development in the DARWIN wind models: I will show results from a new large grid of M-type AGB star models, spanning a wide range in effective temperature, mass and lumiosity, as well as results from models for C-type AGB stars at low metallicities, compatible to those in LMC and SMC.

Our seminar agends is available both on the albanova webpage https://www.albanova.se/events/seminars/ and on our department webpage https://www.astro.su.se ("upcoming events”/“kommande händelser”)

Kind regards,
Angela & Jorrit

Angela Adamo

Department of Astronomy
Stockholm University and Oskar Klein Centre
SE-10691 Stockholm - Sweden
tel: +46 (0)8 5537 8556
email: angela.adamo at astro.su.se<mailto:angela.adamo at astro.su.se>

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