[Astronomy seminar] Astronomy seminar Friday 31/09 at 10:30 in FC61

Astronomy seminar announcements seminars-announce.astro-at-su.se at lists.su.se
Wed Aug 29 19:06:56 CEST 2018

Dear all,
thanks to the prompt reply of Prof. Erb we have actually managed to schedule an excellent seminar for this coming Friday.
Dr. Lluis Mas-Ribas has recently got his PhD in Oslo University and will move in a couple of weeks in California where he will start a post-doc a Caltech. 
He is visiting our Institute and will be around Thursday and Friday in case you are interested in talking to him.

We hope you can make it! Title and abstract will follow. 
The agenda of our seminars is currently being updated on the www.astro.su.se webpage. 
We are experiencing difficulties in using the Albanova agenda, but it will be fixed soon.

Kind regards,
Alexis and Angela

TITLE - Extended Diffuse Emission as a Probe of Galaxy and Reionization Physics

Two of the main questions for the Epoch or Reionzation are: (i) what sources reionized the Universe? and (ii) what is the escape fraction of ionizing 
photons from galaxies into the IGM? I will present our results demonstrating the use of the spatially extended Lya, Ha, and stellar continuum emission 
observed around star-forming galaxies from z~2 and up to z~7, and its comparison to future feasible JWST observations, to answer these two questions. 
Furthermore, I will show our recent calculations that indicate the JWST observability of the warm and hot CGM gas via the Thomson scattering of quasar 
radiation in massive galaxies, which appears to be redshift independent and thus enables measurements of the warm and hot halo gas properties, the 
baryonic content, and the impact of quasar feedback from z~0 to (at least) z~6.5 during Reionization.

Angela Adamo  

Department of Astronomy
Stockholm University and Oskar Klein Centre
SE-10691 Stockholm - Sweden
tel: +46 (0)8 5537 8556 
email: angela.adamo at astro.su.se

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