[Astronomy seminar] Seminar Friday at 10:30 FC61: Jonathan Tennyson

Astronomy seminar announcements seminars-announce.astro-at-su.se at lists.su.se
Mon Feb 4 03:37:47 CET 2019

On Friday at 10:30 in FC61 there will a joint Astronomy and Atomic & 
Chemical physics seminar by Jonathan Tennyson (UCL) who will give a bit 
more technical talk than his general colloquium on Thursday. Also on 
Friday but at 13:00, Esha Kundu will defend her PhD thesis on "Radio 
Emission from Supernovae" in FB54.

Speaker:  Jonathan Tennyson (UCL)

Title: Calculating accurate spectra for water and other small molecules 
from first principle

The equations of quantum mechanics provide a complete framework to 
compute the spectra of molecules; doing this accurately requires 
detailed numerical treatment of both the electronic and nuclear motion. 
To obtain transition frequencies close to experimental accuracy requires 
the consideration of many effects not usually considered in standard 
electronic structure calculations; conversely experience shows that it 
is often possible to compute transition intensities with lower 
uncertainty than they can be measured. The seminar will discuss some of 
the methods used for these studies focusing on atmospherically and 
astronomically important molecules such as water, CO2 and H3+.

Other upcoming events:

14 Thu 15:00 FC61 Seminar Steven Longmore
15 Fri   13:00 FA31 PhD defence Matteo Messa
22 Fri   10:30 FC61 Seminar Rubén Asemsio Torres

All welcome!
   Alexis Brandeker (Astronomy seminar organiser VT 2019)

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