[Astronomy seminar] I: Astronomy seminar TODAY Friday 17/01: 10:30 FC61: Janet Chen

Astronomy seminar announcements seminars-announce.astro-at-su.se at lists.su.se
Fri Jan 17 08:15:51 CET 2020


Arjan & Cristina

Da: Cristina Barbarino
Inviato: lunedì 13 gennaio 2020 15:48
A: Cristina Barbarino
Oggetto: Astronomy seminar Friday 17/01: 10:30 FC61: Janet Chen

Dear all,
welcome back to the weekly appointment at our astronomy department.

The first speaker of 2020 is Janet Chen (SU). The seminar will take place Friday 17th of January in room FC61 at 10:30. Title and abstract are included below and in the Albanova agenda.

Exploring transients at extreme space phase with ePESSTO+

In this seminar, I would like to briefly introduce myself (as I am new here) and the projects I have been working on. I will present the advanced extended Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey of Transient Objects (ePESSTO+) programme. It has gathered the ESO community working on supernovae and unusual transients into one coherent team, developed efficient synergies with multi-messenger experiments and revolutionised the exploitation of wide-field surveys. I was PI of GROND supernova projects, and thus I will focus on the transients followed-up by the ePESSTO and GROND collaboration, which represent the extreme (e.g. the brightest superluminous supernovae or the fastest kilonova) of the luminosity-space of cosmic transients, providing a new dataset to understand their nature. Finally, I will also present the scientific goals of my Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship on photometric and spectroscopic sample study of kilonovae with ENGRAVE.


Upcoming events:
24/01 (Fri) @ 10:30: Emil Rivera-Thorsen (SU)
31/01 (Fri) @ 10:30: Jes Jorgensen (NBI)

07/02 (Fri) @ 10:30: John Airy (SU Science Education)

14/02 (Fri) @ 10:30: Per Calissendorff (PhD seminar)

Kind regards,

Arjan & Cristina

Dr. Cristina Barbarino
Stockholm University
AlbaNova University Center
Department of Astronomy
SE-106 91 Stockholm - Sweden
Tel: +46 (0) 85537 8538

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