[Astronomy seminar] Astronomy Seminar Friday 28/2: 10:30 FC61: Kathryn Kreckel

Astronomy seminar announcements seminars-announce.astro-at-su.se at lists.su.se
Mon Feb 24 08:29:48 CET 2020

Dear all,

On Friday the 28th of February we have the next Astronomy seminar in room FC61 at 10:30

Our speaker is Katryn Krekel from the University of Heidelberg.

Title:  Mapping the ionized ISM in nearby galaxies

Abstract: The ionized interstellar medium (ISM) provides crucial insights into understanding baryon cycling within disk galaxies and tracing radiative and mechanical feedback from young massive stars. With new VLT/MUSE optical integral field spectroscopy, the PHANGS team now has a wealth of emission line maps that trace different ionization sources and physical conditions across nearby disk galaxies at the 50pc spatial scales needed to isolate individual ionized regions (e.g. HII regions, supernova remnants, planetary nebulae) from surrounding diffuse ionized gas.  I will present our most recent results connecting the molecular gas with observed sites of massive star formation, and measuring the gas phase oxygen abundances across thousands of HII regions. Within the context of the large scale galactic environment, these studies have implications for our understanding of how spiral structure acts to organize and mix the ISM, and regulate star formation.


Upcoming events:
28/02 (Fri) @ 10:30:  Kathryn Kreckel (MPIA and ARI, Heidelberg)
06/03 (Fri) @ 10:30: Leonardo Tartaglia (SU)
13/03 (Fri) @ 10:30: Hannah Schunker (MPS, Göttingen)
20/03 (Fri) @ 10:30: Svetlana Berdyugina (Freiburg)
27/03 (Fri) @ 10:30: TBD

Kind Regards,

Arjan and Cristina

Dr. Arjan Bik
Stockholm University
AlbaNova University Center
Department of Astronomy
SE-106 91 Stockholm - Sweden
Tel: +46 (0) 85537 8549

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