[Astronomy seminar] Astronomy seminar via zoom, 16 October 10:30: Anders Jerkstrand

Astronomy seminar announcements seminars-announce.astro-at-su.se at lists.su.se
Mon Oct 12 11:08:15 CEST 2020

Dear all,

On Friday October 16 at 10:30 we will have the next Astronomy Seminar, remotely via zoom.

Our speaker is Anders Jerkstrand from the Stockholm University.

Title: Discovery of a massive iron reservoir in superluminous supernova SN 2006gy.

Abstract: The brightest and longest-lasting supernovae radiate about about a hundred times more energy than typical events. These “superluminous” supernovae were discovered only about 15 years ago, and their stellar progenitors and the mechanisms by which they radiate so much energy are under much debate. SN 2006gy was one of the first observed such supernovae, and still one of the brightest ever seen. It showed signs of circumstellar interaction with a massive hydrogen-rich envelope that must have been ejected shortly before the supernova. In 2008 spectroscopy of the ejecta revealed emission lines that had not been seen before in any supernova and could not be identified. I present a resolution to this long-standing mystery, showing that the lines can be convincingly identified with neutral iron. Further, the properties of the lines point towards a large mass of iron in the ejecta, at least a third of a solar mass.  I discuss how this new discovery means problems for most models proposed so far for SN 2006gy - all involving the explosion of a very massive star - and outline a path toward a new scenario instead involving a white dwarf spiralling into the envelope of a red giant or supergiant companion.


We will have the colloquium using zoom. You will find the invitation at the end of this email.

Some guidelines:

1) Join the session with your microphone muted.

2) When you have a question, press the “raise hand button” and wait till you are asked to ask your question.

3) The session will be online from 10:20, please join at least a few minutes early as we would like to start 10:30 sharp.

We hope to see all of you there!

Arjan & Janet

Upcoming events:
23/10: Charlotte Angus (DARK, Denmark)
30/10: Höstlov
6/11:  Jorryt Matthee (ETH, Zurich)

Janet Ting-Wan Chen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Astronomy Seminar Anders Jerkstrand
Time: Oct 16, 2020 10:20 AM Stockholm

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