[Astronomy seminar] Astronomy seminar via zoom, 27 November 10:30: Jan J. Eldridge

Astronomy seminar announcements seminars-announce.astro-at-su.se at lists.su.se
Mon Nov 23 11:42:42 CET 2020

Dear all,

In the SU Astronomy seminars, we would like to extend the topics to not only science but also to diversity and social topics, in the context of the academia community.

This Friday we invited Jan J. Eldridge to give a seminar talk about binary exploding stars and additionally about "gender binary".
It was highlighted by the Section Dean of SU that all departments must try to increase the number of seminars by underrepresented gender.
The LGBTQ group is definitely underrepresented and it's a great opportunity that JJ is willing to share her/their view with us.

Moreover, during discussions on the day of "strike" to support the black life matters movement, the OKC working environment group keeps addressing the issue of anti-black racism in academia.
In a seminar next year, we will have the other talk about racism in academia.

On Friday November 27 at 10:30 we will have the next Astronomy Seminar, remotely via zoom.

Our speaker is Jan J. Eldridge (please note her/their pronouns are she/her/them/they and please call her/them Jan or JJ) from the University of Auckland.

Title: Exploding binaries: stars and gender.

Abstract: Most of the stars in the Universe are not single like our Sun but in binary stars systems. A binary star is composed of two stars in orbit around each other, as they age they can "get-in-each-others" way and experience very different evolution to that our stars like our Sun. Only over the last decade it has  become clear that to accurately understand the Universe we need to take account of these interacting binary stars. In my talk I will go over a few examples showing how understanding binary stars allows us to understand the appearance of galaxies, the diversity of supernovae and the production of gravitational wave transients.​ There is also another binary that has been exploded recently, that is the assumption that gender is a binary. After discussing astrophysics I'll discuss gender diversity and how to make academia more welcoming for trans and gender diverse people with a few examples from science fiction.


We will have the colloquium using zoom. You will find the invitation at the end of this email.

Some guidelines:

1) Join the session with your microphone muted.

2) When you have a question, press the “raise hand button” and wait till you are asked to ask your question.

3) The session will be online from 10:20, please join at least a few minutes early as we would like to start 10:30 sharp.

We hope to see all of you there!

Arjan & Janet

Upcoming events:
4/12:  Teachers meeting, no seminar
11/12: Jorryt Matthee (ETH, Zurich)
18/12: No seminar

Janet Ting-Wan Chen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Astronomy Seminar Jan J. Eldridge
Time: Nov 27, 2020 10:30 AM Stockholm

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