[Astronomy seminar] Astronomy seminar via zoom, "Today" 10:30: Steve Schulze

Astronomy seminar announcements seminars-announce.astro-at-su.se at lists.su.se
Fri Jan 22 10:01:07 CET 2021

Dear All,

Here is a reminder for our seminar in 30 mins!

Join Zoom Meeting

Janet & Matthias

On 18 Jan 2021, at 12:47, Janet Ting-Wan Chen <janet.chen at astro.su.se<mailto:janet.chen at astro.su.se>> wrote:

Dear all,

On Friday January 22 at 10:30 we will have the next Astronomy Seminar, remotely via zoom.

Our speaker is Steve Schulze from the Stockholm University.

Title: The Host Galaxies of the PTF Core-Collapse Supernova Sample

Abstract: The paradigm shift from galaxy-selected to quasi-synoptic surveys led to a revolution in the study of optical transients. The Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) has played an important role in this revolution. PTF was a fully-automated, wide-field survey using the 1.2-m Samuel Oschin telescope (P48) at Palomar Observatory (USA). Between 2009 and 2017, PTF discovered almost 900 core-collapse supernovae. Here, I present the host galaxy properties of the core-collapse supernova sample. I obtained photometry from the rest-frame UV to the NIR for each host and modelled the spectral energy distributions to extract the mass and star-formation rate of each host. I will contrast each sub-class’s ensemble properties with expectations from field-galaxy samples to deduce whether different classes of core-collapse supernovae show a preference for particular galactic environments. Furthermore, I will show how we can use SNe as beacons to study extreme star-formation environments and how we can use them to select rare phases in galaxy evolution.


We will have the colloquium using zoom. You will find the invitation at the end of this email.

Some guidelines:

1) Join the session with your microphone muted.

2) When you have a question, press the “raise hand button” and wait till you are asked to ask your question.

3) The session will be online from 10:20, please join at least a few minutes early as we would like to start 10:30 sharp.

We hope to see all of you there!

Matthias & Janet

Upcoming events:
29/01: no speaker yet
05/02: Natasha Jeffrey (Northumbria University, UK)
12/02: Claudia Gutierrez (FINCA, Finland)

Janet Ting-Wan Chen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Astronomy Seminar Steve Schulze
Time: Jan 22, 2021 10:30 AM Stockholm

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