[Astronomy seminar] Astronomy seminar via zoom, 9 April 10:30: Patrick Antolin

Astronomy seminar announcements seminars-announce.astro-at-su.se at lists.su.se
Mon Apr 5 20:56:18 CEST 2021

Dear all,

On Friday April 9 at 10:30, we will have the next Astronomy Seminar, remotely via zoom.

Our speaker is Patrick Antolin from the Northumbria University.

Title: Nanojets of coronal heating

Abstract: The solar corona is shaped and mysteriously heated to millions of degrees by the Sun’s magnetic field. It has long been hypothesized that the heating results from a myriad of tiny magnetic energy outbursts called nanoflares, driven by the fundamental process of magnetic reconnection. Misaligned magnetic field lines can break and reconnect, producing nanoflares in avalanche-like processes. However, no direct and unique observations of such nanoflares exist to date, and the lack of a smoking gun has cast doubt on the possibility of solving the coronal heating problem. From coordinated multi-band high-resolution observations, we report on the discovery of very fast and bursty nanojets, the telltale signature of reconnection-based nanoflares resulting in coronal heating. The nanojet is uniquely characterised by being transverse to the loop and appears as a unidirectional jet from the reconnection point. Isolated and clustered nanojets are detected, and a myriad are observed in an avalanche-like progression, leading to the formation of a coronal loop. Using state-of-the-art numerical simulations, we demonstrate that the nanojet is a consequence of the slingshot effect from the magnetically tensed, curved magnetic field lines reconnecting at small angles. Nanojets are therefore the key signature of reconnection-based coronal heating in action.


We will have the colloquium using zoom. You will find the invitation at the end of this email.

Some guidelines:

1) Join the session with your microphone muted.

2) When you have a question, press the “raise hand button” and wait till you are asked to ask your question.

3) The session will be online from 10:20, please join at least a few minutes early as we would like to start 10:30 sharp.

We hope to see all of you there!

Matthias & Janet

Upcoming events:
16/04: Paul Molliere (MPIA)
23/04: Marta Reina-Campos (McMaster University) *talk time at 2pm CEST*
30/04: Alexis Brandeker (SU)


Janet Ting-Wan Chen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Astronomy Seminar Patrick Antolin
Time: Apr 9, 2021 10:30 AM Stockholm

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