[Astronomy seminar] Astronomy Department Seminar - October 29th Lorenza Della Bruna

Astronomy seminar announcements seminars-announce.astro-at-su.se at lists.su.se
Mon Oct 25 14:08:28 CEST 2021


On Friday the 29th we have the next astronomy Seminar with Lorenza Della 
Bruna (Stockholm University) speaking at 10:30 via Zoom.

*Stellar feedback in nearby galaxies at key physical scales*

Stars are a source of radiative and mechanical feedback in the ISM that 
is essential for the self-regulation of star formation in galaxies. 
Stellar feedback originates from young, massive stars, and shapes the 
morphology of the star forming region, but proves to be effective up to 
galactic-wide scales. I will present the results of my PhD work on two 
nearby galaxies, NGC7793 and M83, studying the star-forming regions at 
key spatial scales that allow us to probe the interface between the 
sources of feedback (stars and clusters, i.e. a few parsec scales) and 
their immediate surroundings (~10 pc) to kiloparsec scale dynamics. 
VLT/MUSE data tracing the ionised gas are complemented with HST and ALMA 
observations of the young stars and molecular gas, to provide a full 
picture of the star formation cycle.

We are trying something new this year with leaving the Zoom call open 
after the formal hour of the seminar is up to allow the speaker, if they 
wish, to chat informally with anyone who is interested.


Chris and Tine

Christopher Usher is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Christopher Usher's Zoom Meeting
Time: Oct 29, 2021 10:30 AM Stockholm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 646 7767 0116
Passcode: tN8RP6y7UM

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