[Astronomy seminar] Astronomy Department Seminar - November 26th Jeff Cooke

Astronomy seminar announcements seminars-announce.astro-at-su.se at lists.su.se
Mon Nov 22 13:33:00 CET 2021


On Friday the 26th we have the next astronomy seminar with Jeff Cooke 
(Swinburne University of Technology) at 10:30 via Zoom.

*The Deeper, Wider, Faster program and the Keck Wide-Field Imager*

In this talk, I will first discuss the Deeper, Wider, Faster (DWF) 
program, an innovative all-wavelength program chasing the fastest bursts 
in the Universe. Fast transients with millisecond-to-hours durations are 
observed and predicted at all wavelengths, such as fast radio bursts 
(FRBs), supernova shock breakouts, GRBs and their afterglows, X-ray 
bursts, Type Ia supernova/companion star collisions, kilonovae, 
blitzars, and other exotic events, with most classes having no 
detections or a few serendipitous observations to date. DWF coordinates 
over 80 radio through gamma-ray telescopes and particle detectors 
located on every continent and in space to simultaneously gather deep, 
wide-field, fast-cadenced observations before, during, and after the 
fast events before they quickly fade. DWF performs real-time (seconds) 
data processing and transient identification to trigger rapid-response 
spectroscopy and imaging on program-coordinated 8m-class optical, radio, 
and high-energy telescopes and DWF coordinates later-time observations, 
as some fast transients are associated with longer-duration events 
(e.g., supernova shock breakouts). I will conclude by discussing the 
proposed Keck Wide-Field Imager (KWFI), a UV-sensitive optical 
(3000-10000A) imager that will be the most powerful wide-field imager in 
the world for the foreseeable future. KWFI will progress fast transient 
science, as well as nearly every other area of astronomy, from the solar 
system to the high redshift Universe, including radio, high-energy, and 
gravitational wave research. I will describe how KWFI, with its extreme 
depths and blue sensitivities (e.g., m ~ 28 in ~1-2 hrs) over wide 
fields, will enable science that cannot be done on any other telescope, 
including future 30m-class telescopes, and will provide deep photometry 
essential for upcoming facilities, such as the E-ELT, wide-field 
10m-class spectrographs, gravitational wave detectors, and the JWST, 
Roman, and Euclid space missions.

We are trying something new this year with leaving the Zoom call open 
after the formal hour of the seminar is up to allow the speaker, if they 
wish, to chat informally with anyone who is interested.


Chris and Tine

Christopher Usher is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Astronomy Seminar - Jeff Cooke
Time: Nov 26, 2021 10:30 AM Stockholm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 630 6172 6531
Passcode: Ye29K5r85t

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