[Astronomy seminar] Astronomy Department Seminar - December 10th Héloïse Stevance

Astronomy seminar announcements seminars-announce.astro-at-su.se at lists.su.se
Mon Dec 6 12:12:25 CET 2021

On Friday the 10th at 10:30 we have our final astronomy seminar of the 
year with Héloïse Stevance (University of Auckland) via Zoom.

*The Life Story of AT 2017gfo*

Massive stars, and the menagerie of explosions resulting from their 
deaths, are indispensable to creating a Universe that can harbour life 
as we know it. Kilonovae are the explosions from the merger of neutron 
stars, which are themselves the compact remnants left from supernova 
events marking the death of massive stars. They are a known site for 
neutron-rich element creation in the Universe (such as gold), but the 
extent of their contribution is still debated. A crucial piece of the 
puzzle is understanding their ancestors and the life they led, but only 
one kilonova has been detected so far: AT 2017gfo. In this talk I will 
present how our binary stellar evolution models can help us reconstruct 
the life story of the progenitor system of this (so far) unprecedented 
event, and how we are preparing for future kilonovae observations that 
will come in 2022/2023.

We are trying something new this year with leaving the Zoom call open 
after the formal hour of the seminar is up to allow the speaker, if they 
wish, to chat informally with anyone who is interested.

I want to take a moment to thank my fellow seminar organiser, Tine 
Libbrecht, for her hard work this semester and to wish her good luck in 
her future endeavours. Carolina Robustini will be taking over from Tine 
in the new year. We will be continuing with Zoom only seminars in the 
New Year but hope that if conditions improve we will be able to have 
some hybrid seminars later in the spring.


Chris and Tine

Christopher Usher is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Astronomy Department Seminar - Héloïse Stevance
Time: Dec 10, 2021 10:30 AM Stockholm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 651 6335 3536
Passcode: qC7R2hrkgg

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