[Astronomy seminar] Thesis Seminar - May 25th Aurore Betranhandy

Astronomy seminar announcements seminars-announce.astro-at-su.se at lists.su.se
Mon May 23 16:03:02 CEST 2022

On *Wednesday* May 25th at 10:30 in FC 61 and on Zoom Aurore Betranhandy 
(Stockholm) will be giving a seminar on her thesis work. Please note the 
unusual day due to the klämdag on Friday.

*Neutrino interactions and axion emission impact on core-collapse 
supernova simulations*

Core-Collapse Supernovae (CCSNe) are important phenomena in the scope of 
nucleosynthesis and, as the final stage of massive stars’ life, they are 
key processes in the understanding of stellar evolution. They also are 
the birthplace of neutron stars and black holes, therefore they play a 
major role in the modelling and understanding of compact object mergers. 
While CCSNe have been observed for a long time, it is mainly through 
electromagnetic radiation. This channel gives us precious information 
about the explosion energy and nucleosynthesis, but fails to inform us 
about the collapse and initial explosion mechanism. While other 
observational channels are becoming available, through neutrino 
detection and gravitational waves, we are still waiting for a galactic 
CCSN to get an appropriate signal giving us insight on the explosion 
mechanism. We, therefore, have to rely on simulations for now. CCSN 
simulations have been performed for 60 years, improving decade after 
decade, and are now able to produce systematic self-consistent 
explosions. Several parameters impact the final outcome of our 
simulations, originating from different physics treatments, such as the 
gravity, neutrino transport and interactions, micro-physics through the 
equation of state, or magnetic fields. To understand the explosion 
mechanism behind a CCSN, we need to study the impact of each of these 
uncertain pieces of physics. In this thesis, I focused on the impact of 
the emission of heavy-lepton neutrinos and axions on the explosion, 
concentrated on the early proto-neutron star cooling. I explain details 
of the CCSN process, as well as some of the particle physics I focused 
on. I show how a change in heavy-lepton neutrino and axion emissions can 
accelerate the early proto-neutron star cooling and subsequently help 
the explosion.

The schedule of upcoming seminars can be found here: 

Chris and Carolina

Christopher Usher is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Seminar - Aurore Betranhandy
Time: May 25, 2022 10:30 AM Stockholm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 662 0496 2080
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