[Astronomy seminar] Astro Department Seminar - Fri Jan 20th 10:30 - Smaranika Banerjee

Astronomy seminar announcements seminars-announce.astro-at-su.se at lists.su.se
Tue Jan 17 09:58:08 CET 2023

Dear all,

The next SU astronomy departmental seminar will take place on Friday January 20th at 10:30 in room FC 61 (AlbaNova building, 6th floor) and on zoom.

Speaker: Smaranika Banerjee
Title: Early kilonova from neutron star merger
https://www.albanova.se/event/early-kilonova-from-neutron-star-merger/ <https://www.albanova.se/event/early-kilonova-from-neutron-star-merger/>

In binary neutron star (BNS) mergers, the radioactive decay of freshly synthesized heavy elements produces emissions in the ultraviolet-optical-infrared range, giving rise to a transient called a kilonova. The kilonova is an excellent probe to understand the origin of elements heavier than iron. The observational properties of the kilonova (light curve and spectra) depend on the bound-bound opacity of the heavy elements. Hence, a detailed opacity is necessary to model the realistic kilonova light curve and spectra. However, such calculations for opacity, and correspondingly, the realistic light curve, were largely unavailable, especially for the condition suitable at an early time (t < 1 day).
In my talk, I will discuss recent developments and challenges in modelling kilonova light curves. Also, I will share my recent work on opacity and light curve calculations of the kilonova, focusing on early time (t < 1 day).

We look forward to seeing many of you there. Thanks!

Eliot and Kris

Upcoming Events:

2023-01-27	Mingjie Jian (SU)
2023-02-03	Kelley Hess (IAA - Granada, Spain)
2023-02-10	No seminar - OKC day
2023-02-17	Diane Feuillet (Lund Obs.)

Topic: Astronomy Department Seminar Smaranika Banerjee
Time: Jan 20th, 2023 10:30 AM Stockholm

Join Zoom Meeting:
https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/s/61002076352 <https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/s/61002076352>
Meeting ID: 610 0207 6352
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