[Astronomy seminar] Astronomy departmental seminar Friday March 17 at 3pm

Astronomy seminar announcements seminars-announce.astro-at-su.se at lists.su.se
Thu Mar 16 12:15:08 CET 2023

Dear all,
The next SU astronomy departmental seminar will take place Tomorrow, Friday, March 17th at 15:00 in room FC61 (AlbaNova building, 6th floor) and on zoom (https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/s/61002076352).

The talk will be given remotely and it will take place in the afternoon (3pm - please note the different time), given that the speaker will be joining us from California. For those who are at Albanova, we will be showing the talk in FC 61 on the screen, so you are welcome to attend in person for a more lively atmosphere. Fika will be shifted to accommodate/compliment the talk.

Speaker: Mansi Kasliwal (Caltech)
Title: Unveiling Our Dynamic Infrared Sky.


Our Universe has many stellar outcomes that shine the brightest in the infrared due to atomic opacity, self enshrouding, dust extinction, or low temperature. Multi-messenger emission from neutron star mergers is ubiquitous in the infrared as the bound-bound opacity of heavy elements pushes the peak of the emission to redder wavelengths. Emission from massive stars experiencing copious mass-loss or merging with other stars is self-obscured and better studied in the infrared. White dwarf merger products show dimming events that are best detected in the infrared. A classical nova or a Galactic supernova deep in the disk of the Milky Way is also likely brightest in the infrared on account of line-of-sight extinction. Yet, the infrared time-domain is hitherto largely unexplored.  In this colloquium, I describe how I am starting to open up the dynamic infrared sky with a series of experiments. First, I will describe a pathfinder SPIRITS survey with the Spitzer Space Telescope. Next, I will present the first wide-field infrared surveyor, Palomar Gattini IR, that is mapping 15000 square degrees to a J-band depth of 16 mag every two nights. Looking ahead, I will conclude with plans for the next generation infrared surveyors:  WINTER at Palomar Observatory in California, DREAMS in Australia, PRIME in South Africa and Cryoscope in Antarctica.


We look forward to seeing many of you there. Thanks!

Eliot and Kris

Upcoming Events:

2023-03-24  Priscila Pessi (SU)
2023-03-31 Mattia Sirressi (SU)
2023-04-7 No Seminar - Långfredagen

The calendar for later planned seminars is available here<https://ebox.su.se/owa/calendar/75d76b284ca84db1a85c4e021d1133e8@astro.su.se/22bc11d486d04afaa009a9730dd065d65524176602456481514/calendar.html>.
(Please note that calendar can be subject to updates)

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 610 0207 6352

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