[SocBiN] DNA sequencing algorithms developer at deCODE genetics

Bjarni Halldorsson bjarnivh at ru.is
Sat Aug 20 14:07:36 CEST 2016

DNA sequencing algorithms developer

Headquartered in Reykjavik, Iceland, deCODE is a global leader in analyzing
and understanding the human genome. Using our unique expertise and
population resources, deCODE has discovered key genetic risk factors for
dozens of common diseases ranging from cardiovascular disease to cancer.
The algorithms group is responsible for developing methods for the analysis
of the large-scale sequencing data from several platforms generated at


Develop algorithms and software for detecting structural variations and
genomic abnormalities from DNA sequencing data.

Contribute to the analysis and interpretation of sequencing data in a
multidisciplinary team.

Initiate and contribute to team efforts leading to scientific publications.


Ph.D. in Computer Science, Bioinformatics or Mathematics.

Knowledge of algorithms for sequence analysis.

Proficiency in C++ and Python

Publication track record.

Good spoken and written communication skills.

Experience in working with sequencing data is a plus.

Applicants should send a CV, cover letter and two letters of recommendation
to careers at decode.is

Bjarni V. Halldorsson
Research Scientist, deCODE Genetics
Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Reykjavik University
bioinformatics.ru.is, bjarnivh at ru.is
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