[SocBiN] Two-year postdoc position at Aarhus University

Søren Besenbacher besenbacher at clin.au.dk
Wed Oct 16 12:44:18 CEST 2019

Dear all,

I am looking for a new postdoc to join my group at Aarhus University. The postdoc will work on an exciting project concerning the evolution of germline mutation processes in humans. This can include comparisons with datasets of human somatic mutations or germline mutations from other species. Depending on your interests, focus can be on methods development, large-scale data analysis, or both.

Deadline is October 31st.

For details and application see here: https://international.au.dk/about/profile/vacant-positions/job/postdoc-in-bioinformatics/

Søren Besenbacher

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