[SocBiN] Post doc position in Aarhus

Søren Vang vang at clin.au.dk
Tue Dec 15 21:22:14 CET 2020

Dear all,

If anyone is looking for a post doc position (or know someone who is), we have an open position at MOMA, on a very interesting project where we are going to investigate the clonal dynamics of tumour-specific T-cells, at diagnosis, through treatment, and over time. We are basically going to deep sequence the T-cell receptor, and integrate with tumour and normal exome data, and with ctDNA data. The project is in collaboration with a pharmaceutical company.

Heavy use of NGS, lots of bioinformatics analysis, some pipeline design, and potential for methods development.

You can apply here: 

And feel free to get back to me with any questions!!

Merry Christmas & happy New Year!



Nicolai Birkbak, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA)
Aarhus University Hospital
Science Center Skejby
Brendstrupgårdsvej 21A, 2nd floor
8200 Aarhus N

Phone: (+45) 7845 5347
Mobile: (+45) 2539 4779

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