[SocBiN] Associate Senior Lecturer position in Bioinformatics, Gothenburg, Sweden

Erik Larsson Lekholm erik.larsson at gu.se
Fri Feb 28 13:36:06 CET 2020

Pay attention young computational biologists (about ~5 years from PhD or less):

There is an opening for a

Associate Senior Lecturer in Bioinformatics directed towards translational medicine

at the Wallenberg Center for Translational Medicine at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

The position comes with a very attractive funding package. If you have recently finished a successful postdoc, or are in the late stages of your postdoc, and have your aim set at an academic career, this is a great opportunity and you should consider applying!

Find the announcement here:

The Wallenberg Centers for Molecular Medicine represents a ten-year and more than 800 million SEK investment from Knut & Alice Wallenberg Foundation encompassing young scientists from the fields of molecular and translational medicine.
Through repeated calls in the upcoming years with tenure track research positions we will recruit up to ten new research groups, centered around internationally recruited young scientists of outstanding potential.
The recruited researchers will be funded at a globally competitive level through very generous four-year starting packages, including funding for two postdoctoral researchers, two PhD students and operating costs.

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