[SocBiN] 3 open positions at Uppsala University

Ola Spjuth Ola.Spjuth at farmbio.uu.se
Tue Jan 12 14:26:21 CET 2021

I have 3 open positions (2 PhD and 1 Postdoc) in my research group (www.pharmb.io<http://www.pharmb.io>) at Uppsala University to expand our robotized lab towards autonomous phenomics with applications in precision cancer medicine. If you are interested in a combination of AI, lab automation and cell profiling with high-content microscopy imaging to develop efficient drug combination therapies, then have a look at these positions:

- Position 1: PhD Student in Pharmaceutical Science with a focus on automated phenotypic drug profiling
- Position 2: PhD student in pharmaceutical bioinformatics with a focus on analysis of high-content imaging with AI
- Position 3: Postdoc with a focus on analysis of high-content imaging with AI

Read more at: https://pharmb.io/blog/open-positions-precision-cancer-medicine-2021/

Ola Spjuth, Professor
Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences
Director of Studies, Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics
Box 591, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden

Email: ola.spjuth at farmbio.uu.se<mailto:ola.spjuth at farmbio.uu.se>
Ph: +46 (0)70 425 06 28
Web: https://pharmb.io

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