[SocBiN] PhD position in machine learning and protein design

Ingemar André ingemar.andre at biochemistry.lu.se
Mon Jun 6 16:03:12 CEST 2022

We have funding for a PhD position in AI applied to protein design funded by Wallenberg AI, Autonomous systems and Software Program (WASP<https://wasp-sweden.org/>). The PhD student will join the WASP graduate school<https://wasp-sweden.org/graduate-school/>.
 The goal of the PhD position is to develop new machine learning methods for denovo design of proteins that can switch between two or more conformations. The methods will be based on machine learning approaches like the ones that power AlphaFold2. Our lab (https://andrelab.biochemistry.lu.se/) develop computational methods to design complex protein assemblies and predict the structure of proteins and combine that with experimental characterization of proteins and an interest in applying the methodology to the design of proteins. The position will start January 2023, but an earlier start can be possible.
To learn more about the details of the project and position, send an email to ingemar.andre at biochemistry.lu.se<mailto:ingemar.andre at biochemistry.lu.se>.

Ingemar André
Biochemistry & Structural Biology
Lund University
PO Box 124
221 00 Lund
tel: +46 46 222 4470
email: ingemar.andre at biochemistry.lu.se<mailto:ingemar.andre at biochemistry.lu.se>

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