[SocBiN] ACDL 2023, 6th Advanced Course on Data Science & Machine Learning |June 10-14| Riva del Sole Resort & SPA - Italy Early Registration: by April 23 - From Deep Learning to Foundation Models

Giuseppe Nicosia nicosia at dmi.unict.it
Fri Apr 14 17:21:37 CEST 2023

* Apologies for multiple copies. Please forward to anybody who might be
interested *

ACDL2023, An Interdisciplinary Course: From Deep Learning to Foundation

Riva del Sole Resort & SPA - Tuscany, Italy, June 10-14
https://acdl2023.icas.cc   acdl at icas.cc

Oral Presentation Submission Deadline: by April 23 (AoE)

Each Lecturer will hold up to four lectures on one or more research topics.

Luca Beyer, Google Brain, Zürich, Switzerland
Lecture 1: "Large-Scale Pre-Training & Transfer in Computer Vision and
Vision-Text Models 1/2"
Lecture 2: "Large-Scale Pre-Training & Transfer in Computer Vision and
Vision-Text Models 2/2"
Lecture 3: "Transformers 1/2"
Lecture 4: "Transformers 2/2"

Aakanksha Chowdhery, Google Brain, USA
Lectures: TBA

Thomas Kipf, Google Brain, USA
Lecture 1: "Graph Neural Networks 1/2"
Lecture 2: "Graph Neural Networks 2/2"
Lecture 3: "Structured Representation Learning for Perception 1/2"
Lecture 4: "Structured Representation Learning for Perception 2/2"

Pushmeet Kohli, DeepMind, London, UK
Lectures: TBA

Yi Ma, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Lectures: Principled Approaches to learn low-dimensional structures via
Deep Networks

Gerhard Paass, Fraunhofer Institute -IAIS, Germany
Lecture 1: "Introduction to Foundation Models"
Lecture 2: "Foundation Models for Retrieval Applications"
Lecture 3: "Combining Foundation Models with External Text Resources"
Lecture 4: "Approaches to Increase Trustworthiness of Foundation Models2

Panos Pardalos, University of Florida, USA
Lectures: TBA

Qing Qu, University of Michigan, USA
Lectures: TBA

Alex Smola, Amazon, USA (TBC)

Zoltan Szabo, LSE, London, UK
Lecture 1: "Shape-Constrained Kernel Machines and Their Applications"
Lecture 2: "Beyond Mean Embedding: The Power of Cumulants in RKHSs"

Michal Valko, DeepMind Paris & Inria France & ENS MVA
Lecture 1: "Reinforcement learning"
Lecture 2: "Deep Reinforcement Learning"
Lecture 3: "Learning by Bootstrapping: Representation Learning"
Lecture 4: "Learning by Bootstrapping: World Models"

Each Tutorial Speaker will hold more than four lessons on one or more
research topics.

Raphaël Berthier, EPFL, Switzerland
Lecture 1: "Implicit Regularization in Neural Networks"
Lecture 2: "Incremental Learning in Diagonal Linear Networks"
Lecture 3: "Approaches to Study Dynamics of Neural Networks"
Lecture 4: "The Fast-Slow Regime of Neural Networks"

Bruno Loureiro, École Normale Supérieure, France
Lectures 1-10: "Wonders of high-dimensions: the maths and physics of
Machine Learning"

Varun Ojha, Newcastle University, UK
Lecture 1: "Characterization of Deep Neural Networks"
Lecture 2: "Backpropagation Neural Tree"
Lecture 3: "Sensitivity Analysis of Deep Learning and Optimization


PAST LECTURERS: https://acdl2023.icas.cc/past-lecturers/

Riva del Sole Resort & SPA
Località Riva del Sole – Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto)
CAP 58043 – Tuscany – Italy
p: +39-0564-928111
f: +39-0564-935607
e: events at rivadelsole.it
w: www.rivadelsole.it

PAST EDITIONS: https://acdl2023.icas.cc/past-editions/

REGISTRATION: https://acdl2023.icas.cc/registration/

PhD students, PostDocs, Industry Practitioners, Junior and Senior
Academics, and  will be typical profiles of the ACDL attendants.The Course
will involve a total of 36–40 hours of lectures, according to the academic
system the final achievement will be equivalent to 8 ECTS points for the
PhD Students (and some strongly motivated master student) attending the
At the end of the course, a formal certificate will be delivered indicating
the 8 ECTS points.

Anyone interested in participating in ACDL 2023 should register as soon as
possible. Similarly for accommodation at the Riva del Sole Resort & SPA
(the Course Venue), book your full board accommodation at the Riva del Sole
Resort & SPA as soon as possible. All course participants must stay at the
Riva del Sole Resort & SPA.

See you in Riva del Sole in June!
                   Giuseppe Nicosia & Panos Pardalos - ACDL 2023 Directors.
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