[Bolincentret-at-su.se] Lecture by Pascale Braconnot 25 November 2014

Barbara Wohlfarth barbara.wohlfarth at geo.su.se
Thu Oct 23 16:12:29 CEST 2014

25 November 2014

*Paleo ENSO from PMIP and IPSL simulations *

Pascale Braconnot

Improved understanding of the response of seasonal to decadal 
variability to external climate perturbations is an important issue for 
anticipating the changes due to the current global warming. The 
presentation will focus on monsoon and El Niño Southern Oscillation that 
represent two key modes of variability in the tropical region. Using the 
new results obtained for the PMIP3/CMIP5 simulations of the Last Glacial 
Maximum and the mid-Holocene (Taylor et al., BAMS, 2012, Braconnot et 
al., NCC, 2012) and a suite of past climate simulations run with the 
IPSL climate model, Pascale Braconnot will discuss the role of 
insolation, ice-sheet and fresh water fluxes in the North Atlantic in 
altering these phenomena. She will highlight how past simulations can 
help us to better understand the relationship between the mean climate 
and climate variability. Emphasis will also be put on ongoing work as 
part of the paleovar PMIP group that should help to make better use of 
model-data comparisons using the numerous high-resolution archives that 
reflect changes in inter-annual variability across the Pacific Ocean.

*About Pascale Braconnot*

Dr. Pascale Braconnot is a CEA senior scientist at the /Laboratoire des 
Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE)/. She has 20 years of 
expertise in climate modeling, ranging from coupled ocean-atmosphere 
model development to the use of these coupled models in different 
climatic contexts. Her research focus concerns the role of the ocean in 
climate change and climate variability with emphasis on past monsoon and 
inter-annual variability in tropical regions. She coordinates the 
international Paleoclimate Modeling Intercomparison Project (PMIP). In 
2009 she received the EGU Milutin Milankovic medal for her work on 
insolation and climate.She has participated in the last two IPCC reports 
as a lead author, in AR4 chapter 9 (Understanding, detection and 
attribution) and AR5 chapter 9 (Evaluation of climate models).


*Barbara Wohlfarth*


Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University, SE-10691 Stockholm


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