[Bolincentret-at-su.se] Let's talk Earth

Alasdair Skelton alasdair.skelton at geo.su.se
Mon Oct 27 17:39:06 CET 2014

Dear Bolin scientists,

I would like to draw your attention to the following panel discussion which
is part of the Let's talk Earth series that is organized by the Section for
Earth and Environmental Sciences: Climate change is happening: so what now?

Please see: http://www.ees.su.se/letstalkearth-2.html for details.


Best wishes,




Alasdair Skelton

Professor of Geochemistry and Petrology


Department of Geological Sciences

Stockholm University

106 91 Stockholm



+46 8 164750 / +46 76 7707699


Director of the Bolin Centre for Climate Research

Director of the Research School focusing on Natural Hazards


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