[Bolincentret-at-su.se] Bolin Centre: Another Nature article by Bolin Centre scientists!

Patrick Crill patrick.crill at geo.su.se
Thu Apr 7 15:31:32 CEST 2016

Because, Remember Folks

if it's not in Science or Nature it just isn't science!


On 2016-04-07 14:21, Karin Jonsell wrote:
> Dear Bolin Centre Scientists,
> We are very proud to announce that Bolin Centre scientists have
> published yet another Nature article, in fact this is the 4th since New
> Year!
> A really warm hand to you all!
> The articles are:
> *Ljungqvist, F.C.*, *Krusic, P.J.*, *Sundqvist, H.S.*, Zorita, E.,
> *Brattström, G.* and Frank, D., 2016. Northern Hemisphere hydroclimate
> variability over the past twelve centuries. Nature: 532, 94–98.
> doi:10.1038/nature17418
> <http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v532/n7597/full/nature17418.html>
> http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v532/n7597/full/nature17418.html
> Büntgen, U., Myglan, V., *Ljungqvist, F.C.*, McCormick, M., Di Cosmo,
> N., Sigl, M., Jungclaus, J., Wagner, S., *Krusic, P.J.*, Esper, J.,
> Kaplan, J.O., de Vaan, M.A.C., Luterbacher, J., Wacker, L., Tegel, W.
> and Kirdyanov, A., 2016. Cooling and societal change during the Late
> Antique Little Ice Age from 536 to around 660 AD. Nature Geoscience: 9,
> 231–236. doi:10.1038/ngeo2652
> <http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/v9/n3/full/ngeo2652.html>
> http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/v9/n3/full/ngeo2652.html
> *Jakobsson, M.*, *Nilsson, J.*, Anderson, L., *Backman, J.*, Björk, G.,
> Cronin, T.M., *Kirchner, N.*, Koshurnikov, A., Mayer, L., Noormets, R.,
> *O’Regan, M.*, *Stranne, C.*, Ananiev, R., *Macho, N.B.*, Cherniykh, D.,
> *Coxall, H.*, *Eriksson, B.*, Flodén, T., Gemery, L., *Gustafsson, Ö.*,
> Jerram, K., Johansson, C., Khortov, A., *Mohammad, R.*and Semiletov, I.,
> 2015. Evidence for an ice shelf covering the central Arctic Ocean during
> the penultimate glaciation. Nature Communications: 7, 10365.
> doi:10.1038/ncomms10365
> <http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2016/160118/ncomms10365/full/ncomms10365.html>
> http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2016/160118/ncomms10365/full/ncomms10365.html
> *Wik, M.*, Varner, R. K., Anthony, K. W., MacIntyre, S. and Bastviken,
> D., 2016. Climate-sensitive northern lakes and ponds are critical
> components of methane release. Nature Geoscience. doi:10.1038/ngeo2578
> <http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/ngeo2578.html>
> http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/v9/n2/full/ngeo2578.html
> Last year our record tells us that we had 8 articles in Nature journals
> and 4 in Science.
> You are most welcome to correct us if we have missed to note your article!
> Please send info about all your publications to me and Inês Jakobsson,
> ines.jakobsson at geo.su.se <mailto:ines.jakobsson at geo.su.se> so they can
> be included in the Hall of Fame at
> http://www.bolin.su.se/index.php/publications
> Best regards,
> Karin
> *Dr. Karin Jonsell*
> Scientific Coordinator
> *Bolin Centre for Climate Research*
> Stockholm University
> SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
> Visiting address: Room S314, Geoscience Building at Frescati, Svante
> Arrhenius väg 8, Stockholm
> Phone: +46 (0)8 674 75 97
> Mobile: +46 (0)70 206 2445
> E-mail: karin.jonsell at su.se <mailto:karin.jonsell at su.se>
> www.bolin.su.se <http://www.bolin.su.se>
> /The Bolin Centre for Climate Research is a collaboration between
> Stockholm University, KTH and the Swedish Meteorological and
> Hydrological Institute./
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