[Bolincentret-at-su.se] UK research opportunity: Research Fellow in Extreme Environments

Catherine Hirst Catherine.Hirst at nrm.se
Tue Apr 19 16:42:02 CEST 2016

Vice-Chancellor's Senior Research Fellow or Research Fellow in Extreme Environments (2 posts) - Fixed term for 3 years
Engineering and Environment
Ref: EAE15/34 (MDRT)
Salary: Grade 7 £38,896 - £47,801; £33,574 - £37,768

The Extreme Environments multidisciplinary research theme is a university wide initiative which draws together ground-breaking research in understanding and harnessing physical and biological environments that operate under extreme conditions, such as those found in the Earth's surface, subsurface, oceans, atmosphere and in the solar system. Theme expertise ranges from the geophysical exploration of Antarctic subglacial lakes, responses of glaciers, snow cover and permafrost to climate change through the investigation of nonlinear waves, the Sun-Earth connection, solar physics and space weather, to the reconstruction of past extreme climates using ocean cores, speleothems and pollen records.

The Fellowship will be for three years in the first instance with the expectation of progression to a permanent academic position at the end of the Fellowship subject to satisfactory progress.
For informal enquiries about this post please contact Dr Benjamin Brock (Geography) Tel: +44 (0)191 227 3225, Email: benjamin.brock at northumbria.ac.uk<mailto:benjamin.brock at northumbria.ac.uk> or Dr James McLaughlin (Mathematics) Tel: +44 (0)191 227 3667, Email: james.a.mclaughlin at northumbria.ac.uk<mailto:james.a.mclaughlin at northumbria.ac.uk>.

For more information about the Extreme Environments theme please visit: www.northumbria.ac.uk/extremeenvironments<http://www.northumbria.ac.uk/extremeenvironments>

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