[Bolincentret-at-su.se] Information meeting: "Seas of Norden ", May 13th

Nina Kirchner nina.kirchner at natgeo.su.se
Fri Apr 22 08:44:00 CEST 2016

Dear colleagues,

Stockholm University recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding 
(attached) with a number of Nordic universities in order to increase 
scientific cooperation and education around marine issues in the Seas of 
Norden, SoN.

This MoU is building on efforts developed from collaboration within BEAM 
(Baltic Ecosystem Adaptive Management): 
http://www.su.se/ostersjocentrum/english/beam, Greenmar: 
http://www.greenmar.uio.no/ and NorMER: http://www.normer.uio.no/, among 
other things. Please see these websites and the attached article 
(Paasche et al.) for more information on content.

One goal of this MoU is to improve the opportunities for PhD students to 
take courses in all signatory institutions. We hereby invite you to an 
informal discussion about ways in which you may be interested to engage 
in this initiative.

Where: Room 312, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Kräftriket 2B: 
When: May 13, 12-13
How: Come as you are, please let Henrik Österblom: 
henrik.osterblom at su.se or +46 73 707 88 16 know that you are attending.

Henrik Österblom (Stockholm Resilience Centre)
Tina Elfwing (Baltic Sea Centre)
Nina Kirchner (Bolin Centre)

Henrik Österblom, PhD
Associate Professor
Deputy Science Director
Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Visiting address: Kräftriket 2B

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Stockholm Resilience Centre is an international research centre which 
advances sustainability science for biosphere stewardship. The centre is 
a joint initiative between Stockholm University and The Beijer Institute 
of Ecological Economics at The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. The 
centre is funded by the Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research, 

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