[Bolincentret-at-su.se] FW: Four tenure track professor positions open in the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth system Research at the University of helsinki!

Ilona Riipinen Ilona.Riipinen at aces.su.se
Sat Jul 1 20:43:58 CEST 2017

Dear all,

Sorry for potential cross-postings.

Several tenure track positions in atmospheric and Earth System research open at the University of Helsinki. Please see below and spread the word to potentially interested candidates!

Best regards,


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Four tenure track professor positions open in the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth system Research at the University of helsinki!


Fri, 30 Jun 2017 08:13:11 +0000


Lintunen, Anna M <anna.lintunen at helsinki.fi><mailto:anna.lintunen at helsinki.fi>


fcoe-lista at helsinki.fi<mailto:fcoe-lista at helsinki.fi> <fcoe-lista at helsinki.fi><mailto:fcoe-lista at helsinki.fi>, forest-staff at helsinki.fi<mailto:forest-staff at helsinki.fi> <forest-staff at helsinki.fi><mailto:forest-staff at helsinki.fi>, Group <grp-A86700-ecophys at helsinki.fi><mailto:grp-A86700-ecophys at helsinki.fi>

Institute for Atmospheric and Earth system Research (INAR) is a new multi- and interdisciplinary research unit based in physics, chemistry, meteorology and forest sciences in the University of Helsinki. INAR aims to strengthen the internationally leading, integrated multidisciplinary research environment for atmospheric and Earth system science and to feed in scientific results for the national and international environment and climate policy. It performs multiscale research from molecular to global scale and focuses on climate change, air quality, biogeochemical cycles and ecosystem processes. The scientific objective of INAR is to reduce the scientific uncertainties related to climate change at global scale by quantifying the essential feedback mechanisms between the atmospheric processes and changing functioning of biosphere and to increase knowledge on air quality – climate interactions and feedback. Research and high international impact of INAR is based on the unique, comprehensive and continuous data from SMEAR field stations. INAR leads two European ESFRI research infrastructures. There are around 20 professors and 150 researchers in different career stages associated to INAR in the University of Helsinki. INAR has national partners in Finnish Meteorological Institute, University of Eastern Finland and Tampere University of Technology.
INAR is now seeking outstanding candidates for four positions of assistant/associate/full professor (see the descriptions below). The deadline for applications is 31st August 2017.
Please circulate among your networks and colleagues!
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR/​ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR/​PROFESSOR, ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES AND PHYSICS (EXPERIMENTAL AEROSOL SCIENCE, ACTRIS) https://www.helsinki.fi/en/open-positions/assistant-professorassociate-professorprofessor-atmospheric-sciences-and-physics
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR/​ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR/​PROFESSOR, APPLIED URBAN METEOROLOGY https://www.helsinki.fi/en/open-positions/assistant-professorassociate-professorprofessor-applied-urban-meteorology

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR/​ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR/​PROFESSOR IN FOREST AND ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES (REMOTE SENSING AND DYNAMICS OF BIOSPHERE PROCESSES) https://www.helsinki.fi/en/open-positions/assistant-professorassociate-professorprofessor-in-forest-and-atmospheric-sciences-remote-sensing-and-dynamics-of-biosphere-processes

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR/​ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR/​PROFESSOR, COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES (COMPUTATIONAL METHODS WITH APPLICATIONS TO EARTH SYSTEM AND WEATHER MODELLING) https://www.helsinki.fi/en/open-positions/assistant-professorassociate-professorprofessor-computer-science-and-atmospheric-sciences

PhD Anna Lintunen
Post-Doctoral researcher
Research coordinator
Department of Forest Sciences
P.O. Box 27
and Department of Physics
P.O. Box 64
FI-00014 University of Helsinki
Mobile + 358 40 751 0341


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