[Bolincentret-at-su.se] PMIP4 conference 25-29 September

Qiong Zhang qiong.zhang at natgeo.su.se
Mon Sep 25 11:12:46 CEST 2017

Dear colleagues,

PMIP4 conference is now going on at the Swedish Museum of Natural History, feel free to pass by the oral presentations or poster session on your interested topics!

Best regards,

On 31 Aug 2017, at 13:18, Qiong Zhang <qiong.zhang at natgeo.su.se<mailto:qiong.zhang at natgeo.su.se>> wrote:

Dear colleagues,

The upcoming PMIP4 conference will be held at our neighbourhood the Swedish Museum of Natural History in less than one month. There are 170 abstracts submission and 160 registered participants. You can take a look at the  program here http://www.pmip2017.se/program-session/index.html, the oral presentations will be in the big lecture room “Stora hörsalen” besides the museum restaurant, and the afternoon poster sessions will be at the Linnérummet at second floor.

The registration is closed but if you are interested in participating, you can register here http://www.pmip2017.se/registration/index-4875968039.html, or you can pass by your interested sessions.

Best regards,
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