[Bolincentret-at-su.se] Next week's MISU seminars: Climate & Conflicts (Tuesday) and Noctilucent Cloud Variability (Thursday)

Susanne Frej Ekman susanne.ekman at misu.su.se
Wed Sep 27 16:36:05 CEST 2017

Next week the Tuesday seminar is part of the seminar series Climate and Society and the Thursday PhD seminar is on noctilucent cloud variability.

[arvid_bw]Climate and conflicts - Arvid Bring - Bolin Centre for Climate Research
Does climate play a role in conflicts, and how can we find out? In this seminar, Arvid Bring will present an overview of the research on how climate relates to social events, in particular conflicts. He will also discuss the popular perception of coming "water wars" in a warmer climate.

Time and Place<http://www.misu.su.se/about-us/events/seminars/guest-seminar-arvid-bring-bolin-centre-for-climate-research-1.341377>
Tuesday October 3rd 2017, 11.15-12.15
Rossbysalen C609, Arrhenius Laboratory, 6th floor

PhD seminar - Maartje Sanne Kuilman - MISU
Exploring noctilucent cloud variability using the nudged and extended version of the Canadian Middle Atmosphere Model
[https://pp-prod-admin.it.su.se/polopoly_fs/1.292615%21/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_505/image.jpg]Ice particles in the summer mesosphere - such as those connected to noctilucent clouds and polar mesospheric summer echoes - have since their discovery contributed to the uncovering of atmospheric processes from molecular to global scale. The study presented explores to what extent the large-scale inter-annual characteristics of noctilucent clouds are captured in a 30-year run of the nudged and extended version of the Canadian Middle Atmosphere Model (CMAM30). The model results are compared to satellite observations, each having an instrument-specific sensitivity when it comes to detecting noctilucent clouds.

Time and Place<http://www.misu.su.se/about-us/events/seminars/seminar-maartje-sanne-kuilman-misu-1.342147>
Thursday Oct 5th 2017, 14.15
Rossbysalen C609, Arrhenius Laboratory, 6th floor

Best regards,
Susanne Ekman

Susanne Frej Ekman
Science Communicator
Department of Meteorology (MISU)
Stockholm University
106 91 Stockholm
Visiting address: Arrhenius Laboratory, Svante Arrhenius Väg 16C
Phone: +46(0)8-16 17 51
Mobile: +46(0)72-147 43 17
Email: susanne.ekman at misu.su.se

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