[Bolincentret-at-su.se] Weekly update, week 18

The Bolin Centre for Climate Research bolin at su.se
Thu May 3 10:31:43 CEST 2018

Week 18, 2018
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The Bolin Centre is a multi-disciplinary consortium of over 350 scientists in Sweden that conducts research and graduate education related to the Earth´s climate.

Bolin Centre Seminar Series | Greenhouse gas emissions from aquatic environments – how can we approach key challenges?
The fourth seminar in the Bolin Centre Seminar Series 2018 is hosted by Research Area 4, Biogeochemical cycles and climate.

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from lakes, reservoirs and running water have recently been identified as major components of the land GHG exchange. The need to better quantify fluxes and understand flux regulation is evident, but fundamental challenges on how to account for spatiotemporal variability and perform robust scaling remain. In this presentation new approaches based on for example sensor networks and hyperspectral imaging, will be explored as possible ways to address these challenges.
Time & place: May 8 at 11h15–12h15, HögbomsalenMore info: HERE» (https://bolin.su.se/images/pdf_18/RA4_v2_2018.pdf) 
Lunch sandwich will be served, please e-mail bolin at su.se (mailto:bolin at su.se) if you would like one

Migratory birds, insects and plants adapt differently toclimate change

A warmer climate has caused plants flowering and migratory birds arriving earlier in the year than before. Now a global study shows that changes in the life cycles between plants and animals that depend on each other is also moving faster.- In order to get a better picture of how changes in the environment such as a warmer climate affect the timing between species, we need to understand what environmental factors influence the species’ seasonal development and how this differs between species, says Johan Ehrlén, researcher at the Bolin Centre and professor at the Department of Ecology and Plant Sciences, one of the authors of the study. Do you also have interesting results that you would like to share? Contact bolin at su.se.




Bolin Centre Seminar Series | Research Area 4
Titel: Greenhouse gas emissions from aquatic environments –
how can we approach key challenges?
Speaker: David Bastviken, Linköping University
Time & place: May 8 at 11h15–12h15, Ahlmannsalen
Lunch sandwich: will be served, please e-mail bolin at su.se (mailto:bolin at su.se) if you would like one
Abstract and info: HERE» (https://bolin.su.se/images/pdf_18/RA4_v2_2018.pdf) 



Science Seminar by the Bert Bolin Climate Lecture Speaker 2018
Titel: Climate Feedbacks Low Probability - High Impact Climate ChangesSpeaker: Dr. Ramanathan, Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric and Climate Sciences at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego
Time & place: May 21 at 10h00–11h00, Ahlmannsalen
Abstract and info: HERE» (https://bolin.su.se/images/pdf_18/science-seminar_RAM_2018.pdf) (https://www.science.su.se/om-oss/kalendarium/2018-%C3%A5rs-bolinf%C3%B6rel%C3%A4sning-om-klimatforskning-1.378800) 



Bert Bolin Climate Lecture 2018
Titel: Bending the Curve: Climate Change SolutionsSpeaker: Dr. Ramanathan, Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric and Climate Sciences at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego
Time & place: May 21 at 14h00–15h00, Aula Magna
Abstract and info: HERE» (https://www.science.su.se/om-oss/kalendarium/2018-%C3%A5rs-bolinf%C3%B6rel%C3%A4sning-om-klimatforskning-1.378800) 



In Swedish | Bolincentrets Klimatfestival
Populärvetenskapliga föreläsningar om högaktuell klimatforskning, klimataktiviteter med klimatforskare och mängder av klimatanknutna utställningar från olika organisationer. På Klimatfestivalen finns något för alla! Under tre dagar öppnar vi upp för allmänheten som får träffa våra klimatforskare och under roliga former lära sig mer om klimat-förändringarna och vad vi kan göra åt dem.
Mer info: HÄR» (https://bolin.su.se/index.php/klimatfestivalen) 

Other Seminars and Events



MISU theme “Earth in Space” seminar
Titel: Evidence for continued ozone layer reduction
Speaker: William Ball, Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Time & place: May 8 at 11h15-12h15, Rossbysalen C609, Arrhenius Laboratory, 6th floor
More info: HERE» (https://www.misu.su.se/about-us/events/seminars/misu-theme-earth-in-space-seminar-william-ball-eth-z%C3%BCrich-switzerland-1.376544) 

The Bolin Centre Weekly News provides you with a selection of our current activity and latest news and is sent to all members of the Bolin Centre. If you have suggestions that you would like to include in coming updates, you are welcome to send these to bolin at su.se. (mailto:bolin at su.se) 

Editor: Annika BurströmFoto: Martin Jakobsson, Gålfalk, M., G. Olofsson, P. Crill, and D. Bastviken (2016), Making methane visible, Nature Clim. Change, 6(4), 426-430, doi:10.1038/nclimate2877
http://www.nature.com/nclimate/journal/v6/n4/abs/nclimate2877.html#supplementary-information, (http://www.nature.com/nclimate/journal/v6/n4/abs/nclimate2877.html#supplementary-information) Katarina Fast Ehrlén

Stay updated
Find news and upcoming events at bolin.su.se (http://www.bolin.su.se) and follow us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/BolinCentre) , Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/BolinCentre/) and YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgS8tYa6ErDZb_5ZIOpf6fA) .

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